November 25, 2006

Chilhood illness - Fever


Fever is when your body's temperature exceeds 98.6 Fahrenheit, which is normal body temperature. It is usually a reaction to the body's immune system being activated to fight off

Fever is a means of which the body alerts your child that something is wrong. Fever is not an illness per say, it is just a healthy, natural way your body is alerting your child to the presence of something awry. It can be the result of an infection, bacterial or viral, or the result of an immunization, or even in
babies, it can be the result of too many layers of clthing, since young children cannot regulate their body temperature normally yet. Sometimes infants going through teething can acquire a slight fever, but it usually does not rise past 100 degrees fahrenheit.

Symptoms include: Flushing of the cheeks and body, chills, dehydration, lack of appetite and movement, the touch of
skin, which is best felt at forehead and chest and notation of a temperature higher than 98.6 Fahrenheit on thermometer. A more severe fever can entail difficulty breathing, sweating profusely (usually happening when the fever starts to drop, generally a good sign), and should be monitored very closely as a fever that rises too high can cause convulsions, brain damage and inevitably death to the child.

Usually, if the fever is below 102 degrees,
home treatment will suffice in the care of the child. Usually stripping your child down to little or no clothing, applying warm cloths to forehead, prompting them to drink lots of water (to combat dehydration), and just letting the fever run its course will work out to the best interest of the child. Since fever usually is the by product of another problem though, it is always best to take your child in to see the physician and as with any other illness, it is important to always monitor your child to make sure he or she is not developing worse symptoms. Sometimes, it also helps to give your child small doses of acetaminophen, since that is proven to help combat high temperatures, but always check the dosage before you give your child medicine.

Adapted from SureBaby