The challenges of parenting are compounded if your child has epilepsy. Not only do you have the
normal concerns about raising a child, but now you have to address emotional
concerns both you and your child may have about living with epilepsy.
Toll of Epilepsy
It's natural for a child who has a chronic illness or who is
different from other children to feel resentful. Children with an illness such
as epilepsy may develop emotional problems, such as poor self-esteem or depression.
These problems may come from within (anger, embarrassment, frustration), or
from outside (children with epilepsy may be teased by other children).
As a parent, you can help your child deal with these feelings in
the following ways:
Make sure your child understands as much about his or her disease
as possible.
Try to get your child to be positive about his or her disease and
focus on things he or she can do.
Help your child accept being a “different normal” and accept
that their will be some risk in activities
As for your other children and the rest of your family:
Be sure your other children understand about their sibling's
illness. If they are feeling neglected, try to spend more time with them.
If you think it's necessary, seek family counseling to help everyone
understand how to deal with the illness.
Let your extended family know about your child's illness and
answer any questions they may have.
Children and Epilepsy Drugs
If your child is taking epilepsy drugs,
you can work with your child's doctor to make sure that your child is taking
them correctly. You will need to:
Learn the schedule for the medications (how many times a day to
take them, whether they should be taken with food, etc.).
Find out what to do if your child forgets to take a dose of
Know if any of the medications require blood tests.
Be aware of the potential side effects of the medications and what
to do about them.
Ask the doctor what to do if your child is ill or has a fever. (Fever sometimes brings on
Make sure your child's school knows that he or she takes epilepsy
medication, and that arrangements are made for him or her to take it at school
(if necessary).
Always carry a detailed list of your child's medications.
Else Can I Do to Protect My Child?
If your child has epilepsy, monitor him or her near water, whether
at home or outside.
Here are some tips for inside the home:
Keep an eye on your child while he or she is in
the bathtub.
Make sure the bathroom door opens outward rather than inward, so
that it can still be opened in case your child falls. Take the locks off the
bathroom door.
Check the bathtub drain to make sure it's working properly.
Keep the water in the tub at low levels.
Keep the water temperature low to prevent scalding.
Install a shower or tub seat with a safety strap in the tub for
older children.
Keep all electrical appliances away from the sink or bathtub.
Outside the home:
Don't let a child with epilepsy swim alone.
Make sure all adults, including the lifeguards and swimming instructors, know that your child has
your child has a seizure while swimming, get him or her out of the water as
soon as possible. If anything seems wrong, contact the doctor right away.
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